In this interview for YOU Better! I am in conversation with my friend Heather Burris. Among many things, we discussed what it can look like to set an example for those around us. Together, we talk through Heather’s pandemic journey, one that brought an enormous amount of responsibility given her work in immunization as well as a deep grief that taught her the importance of leaning on and receiving God’s love through community. We also discuss her book Hair Like Me, which she wrote after embracing an uncomfortable truth about how we embody the lessons we want our children to learn.

Heather Burris is the Immunization Division Chief at the District of Columbia Department of Health (DC Health). Her expertise includes vaccine operations, program management, and clinical research administration of infectious diseases. In addition, she is mission-focused on health equity and ensuring vulnerable residents or those hard-to-reach community members have access to immunizations. A champion for Black women, particularly Black girls, Heather also authored Hair Like Me, a children’s story about beauty and confidence inspired by her daughter.

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    Kiesha Garrison is a Seattle, WA based professional emcee and public speaker. She leads high-impact events & conversations that spark positive personal, professional, and cultural shifts.