In this solo episode, I reflect on why we should love all parts of ourselves and live our layers.

As we grow, we accumulate many layers that make up our essence. We have our unique personality traits and different passions that delight us. We all have a collection of preferences, needs, beliefs, and values.  And we even many roles that feel good to embody. There is so much inside of each of us. 

But, we live in a world that isn’t set up for us to be this delightfully complex.  If you follow the tide of “society” you might find yourself mostly tending to all the things you feel like you should do and be. And in doing so, tamping down the aspects of yourself that would actually create the best life experiences for you.

In this episode, I explore a few common ways we lose touch with ourselves and I offer some of my suggestions for returning and reconnecting, time and time again. I also share an exercise for figuring out when and where you’re denying yourself so you can connect with your ideal self and your most supportive community.

So grab a pen and some paper, then tune in to learn how to love your layers. And if anything resonant comes up, share your thoughts with me here or on social media!


Kiesha Garrison is a Seattle, WA based professional emcee and public speaker. She leads high-impact events & conversations that spark positive personal, professional, and cultural shifts.