Please enjoy this interview – this soul food – with Rhonda Joy McLean, my sister, my friend. I met Rhonda when our careers intersected at Time Inc. Rhonda was Deputy General Counsel there where she managed one-third of the Law Department and oversaw legal compliance and data privacy protocols for over 200 clients and 22 brands for nearly twenty years. She is now the President and CEO of RJMLEADS LLC, a leadership consultant company she launched in 2019.  She is also co-author of two popular books on leadership development for women that she wrote with her friends and business partners Elaine Meryl Brown and Marsha Haygood, entitled “The Little Black Book of Success” series.

Join us as Rhonda shares stories from her life in which she integrated the local high school in her small southern town at the age of 13, broke ground in many professional spaces, and leaned into a journey rich with supportive sisterhood circles and flexible leadership experiences. She shares detailed stories about her ancestors and shows gratitude for the lessons and strength that have been handed down to us as a people.

We also delve into an important conversation about high-achievement, depression and mental health. If you have ever looked at another person and wondered “how does she do it all!?!” then this is a must listen as we -two women who appear to “do it all”- share our path of learning how to navigate high achievement alongside our mental and emotional well-being.

If you are feeling weary, I hope this conversation reminds you of the strength of our people and helps you move from fear to faith. If you are feeling like you aren’t rocking the way you “should,” I hope this conversation helps you find perspective. If feel like you have just fallen down, I hope this conversation reminds you that you can still stand.

I also hope you enjoy learning about the other black women Rhonda highlights, which include her co-authors and entrepreneur Kalyn Johnson Chandler and artist Synthia Saint James.

Rhonda is one of the people who have been a defining presence in my life. I cry a bit when I watch this interview out of deep, deep gratitude that we had this sit-down. I hope you enjoy it too.

Kiesha Garrison is a professional emcee and public speaker whose work focuses on personal discovery and courageous conversations that connect us to our true selves and community.